Sunday, April 7, 2013


Disconnection in the swing is a fault that is caused by getting your arm lift, wrist hinge, and swing path confused.  The general result at the top of the backswing is high hands (see photo below).  This disconnection results in a loss of distance and very inconsistent results.  You want to have a more efficient, on plane swing (see drills below).

Drill 1:
Pre-set your wrist straight in.  Left arm in front of you, hands under your chin, club shaft at a right angle to the left arm (can also do this with swingyde).  Then just turn your torso into a backswing without moving your arms or hands.  Then you can turn through on the downswing (opening hips of course).

You can even hit shots with this drill.

The "Chicken Wing" & Disconnection:
A "chicken wing" on the follow through is where the left elbow sticks out of the body (see above).  The "chicken wing" can commonly be caused by a weak grip in the left hand, early extension with the hips, an "in to out" swing path, and of course disconnection of your arms.

For the "chicken wing" fault the left arm is too bent at impact where it should be much closer to straight.

Drill 1:

Get into a proper release position (photo above left), then turn to where the club is parallel to the ground and the butt end is pointing out parallel to the target line (photo above right).

Drill 2: 
A great training aid is the Swingyde which helps make sure you create a proper release and wrist hinge.  On the follow through make sure the Swingyde posts on your left arm so that your left arm is inside the body line (see above).  

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